Issue 2022

Volume 3 (2021)

Full issue 3. All texts can be individually accessed further below on this webpage.


Giulia Valpione & Laure Cahen-Maurel

Science and Early German Romanticism


Leif Weatherby

  1. The Emergent Organism: Kielmeyer, Röschlaub, Schelling, Novalis
    Stefani Engelstein
  2. Ein Schuss in die blaue Luft – The Early German Romantic Hypothesis
    Jocelyn Holland
  3. Von Lavoisier zu Baader. Einige Bemerkungen zur nachkantischen Naturphilosophie
    [From Lavoisier to Baader: Some Remarks on Post-Kantian Philosophy of Nature]
    Alberto Bonchino
  4. Friedrich Schlegel’s Philosophy of the Middle, or Physics and the Transition Between Forms
    Gabrielle Reid
  5. The ‘Sound Figures’ and Naturphilosophie in A. W. Schlegel’s Lectures on Art History and Aesthetics
    Steven P. Lydon
  6. Individuation and Disindividuation: Karoline von Günderrode’s Aesthetics of Naturphilosophie
    Gabriel Trop
  7. What is Life? At the Roots of Romantic Philosophy: Kant’s Philosophical Vitalism
    Márcio Suzuki


1.  Franz von Baader

2.  Friedrich Schlegel

  • Sulla fisica (1798)
    Introduzione e traduzione di Giulia Valpione

3. Novalis

4.  Karoline von Günderrode

5.  Johann Ritter

6.  Carl Gustav Carus


1.  Friedrich Schleiermacher

2.  Arthur Schopenhauer


Michael N. Forster, Lina Steiner (eds.), Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature (Palgrave, 2020)
Reviewed by Henry Pickford

Karolin Mirzakhan, An Ironic Approach to the Absolute. Schlegel’s Poetic Mysticism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)
Reviewed by Alberto Giacomelli

Elizabeth Millán Brusslan (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Romantic Philosophy (2020) Reviewed by Carlos Zorrilla Piña

Dezső Gurka (ed.), Changes in the Image of Man from the Enlightenment to the Age of Romanticism: Philosophical and Scientific Receptions of (Physical) Anthropology in the 18-19th Centuries (Gondolat, 2019)
Recensito da Giulia Valpione

Jacob Burda, Das gute Unendliche in der deutschen Frühromantik. Mit einem Geleitwort von Bazon Brock und einer Replik von Manfred Frank (Metzler, 20202)
Reviewed by David W. Wood


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