Numero 2 (2020)

Volume 2 (2020)

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Editoriale (EN, FR, IT, DE)
Laure Cahen-Maurel e Giulia Valpione

Il pensiero delle scrittrici e filosofe del Romanticismo


  1. Symphilosophie, le genre et la socialité dans le premier romantisme allemand
    [Symphilosophy: Gender and Sociability in Early German Romanticism]
    Jane Kneller
  2. Narrative and Fragment: The Social Self in Karoline von Günderrode
    Anna C. Ezekiel
  3. Rahel Levin Varnhagen’s Philosophical Reflections on Moral Character, Bildung and Sociability
    Catalina Elena Dobre
  4. Geschlecht, Sinnfeld, Kontingenz: zur Ontologie in Dorothea Schlegels Florentin
    [Gender, Sense Field, Contingency: On Ontology in Dorothea Schlegel’s Florentin]
    Bryan Norton
  5. Expanding the Canon: The Political Philosophy of Bettina von Arnim
    Giulia Valpione



  1. Rahel Varnhagen (1771-1833)
    Choix de lettres et de fragments de journal intime, 1794-1814 (FR)
    Traduzione di Laure Cahen Maurel

  2. Sophie Mereau (1770-1806)
    Sophie Mereau, “Ein Paar Worte über das Folgende”, Prefazione a Blüthenalter der Empfindung, 1794 (FR, ITA, ENG)
    Traduzioni di Laure Cahen-Maurel (FR) Giulia Valpione (ITA) e David W. Wood (ENG)
  3. Caroline Michaelis-Schlegel (1763-1809)
    Introduction (ENG)
    David W. Wood
    Caroline Michaelis-Schlegel, Die Gemälde, 1799 (ENG)
    Traduzione di David W. Wood
  4. Dorothea Veit-Schlegel (1764-1839)
    Dorothea Veit-Schlegel, Rezension Ramdohr (1800)

    Traduzioni (ENG) di David W. Wood.
  5. Karoline von Günderrode (1780-1806)
    Karoline von Günderrode, Eine persische Erzählung, 1806 (ENG)
    Traduzione di Anna C. Ezekiel
    Karoline von Günderrode, Idee der Erde, 1805 (ITA)
    Traduzione di Giulia Valpione
  6. Bettina von Arnim (1785-1859)
    Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde / Epistolario di Goethe con una fanciulla (1835), estratto
    Traduzione di Giulia Valpione


  1. The Very Idea of Innovation: From Descartes to Post-Kantianism
    Karl Ameriks
  2. Dialetheism as Romanticism and the Hegelian Critique of True Contradictions
    Stefan Schick
  3. L’«ironie romantique» comme procédé musical. L’exemple de Tieck, Brahms, Wagner et Weber – Partie II
    [“Romantic Irony” as Musical Process. The examples of Tieck, Brahms, Wagner and Weber – Part II]
    Manfred Frank
  4. Between Romanticism and Idealism: Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand Solger, Philosophy as the Thought of Revelation – Part II
    Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak

Note e discussioni

  1. Come ordinare un sistema di asistematicità. Nota a: Novalis, Scritti filosofici (2019) / How to Order a System of Systemlessness. Review essay of: Novalis, Scritti filosofici (2019).
    Giovanni Panno
  2. Nouvelles lectures philosophiques de l’imagination. À propos de The Imagination in German Idealism and Romanticism (2019)
    Laure Cahen-Maurel


  1. Manja Kisner, Jorg Noller (eds), The Concept of Will in Classical German Philosophy. Between Ethics, Politics, and Metaphysics (De Gruyter, 2020)
    Recensione di Daniel Elon (ENG)
  2. Novalis, À la fin tout devient poésie, trad. O. Schefer (Edition Allia, 2020)
    Recensione di David W. Wood (ENG)


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