Volume 5 (2023)-FR

Volume 5 (2023)

Texte intégral. Les diverses contributions sont accessibles séparément plus bas sur cette page.

Couverture et sommaire

Laure Cahen-Maurel  

Introduction: Romantic Aesthetics and Freedom. A Note on Gender with Reference to Dorothea Schlegel’s Florentin (Anne Pollok)

  1. Novalis: The Art of Democracy (Jane Kneller)
  2. La libération musicale. Actualité d’un problème romantique (Christoph Haffter)
  3. Karl Philipp Moritz’ Götterlehre and the Freedom of the Artwork and Artist (C. Allen Speight)
  4. Ironically, I Am Free: How Friedrich Schlegel’s Early Romantic Fragments Enact the Logic of Faith in J.G. Fichte’s Vocation of Man (Karolin Mirzakhan)
  5. La libertà della poesia tra primo romanticismo e Hegel (Francesco Campana)
  6. „Der große Gedanke, daß alles poetisiert werden soll“. Zu den philosophischen Grundlagen der Transzendentalpoesie (Robert König)
  7. The Matter of Freedom: Schiller on Sacrificial Rationality and the Emancipatory Potential of Art (Caecilie Varslev-Pedersen)
  8. Dorothea Veit und Friedrich Schleiermacher im Gespräch über lebensweltliche Fragen um 1800. Eine Skizze (Barbara Becker-Cantarino)
  1. Caroline and August Wilhelm Schlegel, The Paintings. Conversation (Excerpt). Translated by Anne Elizabeth and Jan Oliver Jost-Fritz. Introduction and annotations by Jan Oliver Jost-Fritz
  2. Novalis, Studies in the Fine Arts and Five Fragments on Art. Translated, annotated, and introduced by David W. Wood
  3. Bettina von Arnim, Günderode. Extraits choisis sur la musique. Traduits et annotés par Laure Cahen-Maurel et Christoph Haffter. Introduction de Christoph Haffter
  1. Romanticism and System in Coleridge and Schlegel (Alexander J. B. Hampton
  2. Making a Theme Audible: Imparting Non-Discursive Knowledge in Natural Philosophy by Means of Poetry and Aphorism (Norman Sieroka
  3. « Théorie du vrai ciel ». Le Brouillon général de Novalis comme cosmographie de l’invisible (Anama Kotlarevsky)
  4. The Poetic Genius of Early Romanticism: Manifestations of the Imagination in William Blake, Friedrich Schiller, and Friedrich Schlegel (Felix Alejandro Cristiá)
  1. August Ludwig Hülsen, On the Natural Equality of Human Beings (1799). Translated, introduced, and annotated by Marlene Oeffinger
  2. Friedrich Schlegel, “Introduction” to Transcendental Philosophy (Part II). Translated, introduced, and annotated by Joseph Carew
  1. Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Herméneutique. Pour une logique du discours individuel. Présentation, traduction et notes par Christian Berner (Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2021). Recension d’Alexandra Roux 
  2. François Hemsterhuis, The Edinburgh Edition of the Complete Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis, ed. Daniel Whistler and Jacob van Sluis (Edinburgh University Press, 2022). Review by Luke Moffat
  3. Dalia Nassar, Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt (Oxford University Press, 2022). Review by Hannah V. Eldridge 
  4. Johanna Raisbeck, Karoline von Günderrode: Philosophical Romantic (Legenda, 2022). Review by Anne Pollok

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