Volume 5 (2023)
Full issue 5. All texts can be individually accessed further below on this webpage.

Laure Cahen-Maurel
Romantic Aesthetics and Freedom
Introduction: Romantic Aesthetics and Freedom. A Note on Gender with Reference to Dorothea Schlegel’s Florentin (Anne Pollok)
- Novalis: The Art of Democracy (Jane Kneller)
- La libération musicale. Actualité d’un problème romantique (Christoph Haffter)
- Karl Philipp Moritz’ Götterlehre and the Freedom of the Artwork and Artist (C. Allen Speight)
- Ironically, I Am Free: How Friedrich Schlegel’s Early Romantic Fragments Enact the Logic of Faith in J.G. Fichte’s Vocation of Man (Karolin Mirzakhan)
- La libertà della poesia tra primo romanticismo e Hegel (Francesco Campana)
- „Der große Gedanke, daß alles poetisiert werden soll“. Zu den philosophischen Grundlagen der Transzendentalpoesie (Robert König)
- The Matter of Freedom: Schiller on Sacrificial Rationality and the Emancipatory Potential of Art (Caecilie Varslev-Pedersen)
- Dorothea Veit und Friedrich Schleiermacher im Gespräch über lebensweltliche Fragen um 1800. Eine Skizze (Barbara Becker-Cantarino)
- Caroline and August Wilhelm Schlegel, The Paintings. Conversation (Excerpt). Translated by Anne Elizabeth and Jan Oliver Jost-Fritz. Introduction and annotations by Jan Oliver Jost-Fritz
- Novalis, Studies in the Fine Arts and Five Fragments on Art. Translated, annotated, and introduced by David W. Wood
- Bettina von Arnim, Günderode. Extraits choisis sur la musique. Traduits et annotés par Laure Cahen-Maurel et Christoph Haffter. Introduction de Christoph Haffter
- Romanticism and System in Coleridge and Schlegel (Alexander J. B. Hampton)
- Making a Theme Audible: Imparting Non-Discursive Knowledge in Natural Philosophy by Means of Poetry and Aphorism (Norman Sieroka)
- « Théorie du vrai ciel ». Le Brouillon général de Novalis comme cosmographie de l’invisible (Anama Kotlarevsky)
- The Poetic Genius of Early Romanticism: Manifestations of the Imagination in William Blake, Friedrich Schiller, and Friedrich Schlegel (Felix Alejandro Cristiá)
- August Ludwig Hülsen, On the Natural Equality of Human Beings (1799). Translated, introduced, and annotated by Marlene Oeffinger
- Friedrich Schlegel, “Introduction” to Transcendental Philosophy (Part II). Translated, introduced, and annotated by Joseph Carew
Book Reviews
- Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, Herméneutique. Pour une logique du discours individuel. Présentation, traduction et notes par Christian Berner (Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2021). Recension d’Alexandra Roux
- François Hemsterhuis, The Edinburgh Edition of the Complete Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis, ed. Daniel Whistler and Jacob van Sluis (Edinburgh University Press, 2022). Review by Luke Moffat
- Dalia Nassar, Romantic Empiricism: Nature, Art, and Ecology from Herder to Humboldt (Oxford University Press, 2022). Review by Hannah V. Eldridge
- Johanna Raisbeck, Karoline von Günderrode: Philosophical Romantic (Legenda, 2022). Review by Anne Pollok
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