Current issue (2024)

Volume 6 (2024)

Full issue 6. All texts can be individually accessed further below on this webpage.

Cover and Contents

Laure Cahen-Maurel  

Introduction: Romanticism and its Kantian Legacy (Marie-Michèle Blondin, Luigi Filieri, Cody Staton, Gesa Wellmann)

  1. Zur Kantrezeption Friedrich Schlegels (Bärbel Frischmann)
  2. L’immaginazione poetica: filosofia e poesia in Kant e Novalis (Serena Feloj)
  3. Imagining Nature a Second Time: Poetry and Gardens in Kant and Coleridge (Cody Staton)
  4. Karoline von Günderrode’s Responses to Kant on Knowledge and Bildung (Anna C. Ezekiel)
  5. Striving for Perfection: the Concepts of Bildung and Bestimmung in Sophie Mereau’s Early Works (Margherita Giordano)
  6. Die Psychologie Friedrich Schleiermachers im Horizont der kantischen Vernunftkritik (Matthis Glatzel)
  7. “God’s First Hieroglyph”: Novalis’s Lehrlinge zu Sais and Tieck’s Runenberg
    as Commentaries on Kant’s Isis-Inscription (Eran Horowitz)
  8. L’anthropologie philosophique chez Kant et Novalis (Laure Cahen-Maurel)
  1. Novalis, On Kant. Translated and introduced by David W. Wood
  2. Sophie Mereau, Lettre à Kant (décembre 1795). Traduction et présentation par Laure Cahen-Maurel
  3. Karoline von Günderrode, Un fragment apocalyptique. Traduction et présentation par Augustin Dumont et Savannah-Lou Cochran-Mavrikakis
  4. August Ludwig Hülsen, Philosophical Fragments (1813). Translated, introduced, and annotated by Marlene Oeffinger
  5. Friedrich Schiller, Concerning the Garden Calendar of 1795. Translated and introduced by Cody Staton
  1. The Romantic Concept of Love (Frederick C. Beiser)
  2. La fille naturelle de Goethe à Berlin. Réflexions fichtéennes sur la Darstellung (Rubens Rodrigues Torres Filho). Présentation et traduction par Márcio Suzuki 
  3. Cos’è un tema? Discorso filosofico e discorso musicale: Baumgarten, Sulzer, Kant, Friedrich Schlegel (Márcio Suzuki)
  4. The Philosopher as Magus: Novalis and the Esoteric Tradition (Cecilia Rose Inkol)
  1. Therapeutics of the Blue Flower: On Dietrich von Engelhardt’s Medizin in Romantik und Idealismus (David W. Wood)
  2. Novalis’s Encyclopedistic Philosophy. On Santiago J. Napoli’s La enciclopedística de Novalis (Felix Alejandro Cristiá
  1. Lara Ostaric, The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of Kant’s Critical System (Cambridge University Press, 2023). Review by Cody Staton
  2. Daniel Whistler, François Hemsterhuis and the Writing of Philosophy (Edinburgh University Press, 2023). Recensione di Claudia Melica
  3. Katerina Mihaylova and Anna Ezekiel (eds.), Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023). Review by David W. Wood
  4. Oliver Simons, Literary Conclusions. The Poetics of Ending in Lessing, Goethe, and Kleist (Northwestern University Press, 2022). Recensione di Massimo Palma

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